Toona sinensis, commonly known as Chinese Toon or Chinese Mahogany, is a unique and aromatic plant that adds culinary and ornamental value to your garden. Each pot contains 1 cuttings, measuring 8-12 inches long, ready to thrive as a perennial and productive addition to your landscape. Known for its tender, flavorful leaves, Toona sinensis is often used in Asian cuisine, bringing a delightful flavor to salads, stir-fries, and sauces. Easy to grow and maintain, these cuttings will flourish, providing a vibrant touch and delicious leaves year after year. Enhance your garden with this versatile and fragrant plant!
Cutting and fresh products are only for local pick up or delivery. No shipping.
Toona sinensis 1 cuttings 8-12 inch in a pot , perennial productive
SKU: 0051